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  • Archbishop Vining College of Theology, Oke-Emeso, Akure, Ondo State
  • Email: registry@archbishopvining.edu.ng

Special Bachelor of Theology (Direct Entry with Diploma)

Special Bachelor of Theology (Direct Entry with Diploma)

The Bachelor of Theology Program (Direct Entry with Diploma) is an academic theology degree that offers a more integrative insight and approach to doing theology. It goes further into ministerial formation and training courses and programs.

The program shall strictly be for:

i. Formally trained clergy men who seeks to upgrade from Diploma certificate to Degree.
ii. Lay members seeking to deepen their theological knowledge but who are not seeking ordination.

An integral aspect of this programme is the importance of doing theology in every context. Students shall therefore complete two pastoral placements, in a parish, the other in a hospital or prison where they shall be involved in the day–to–day ministry engaging with the people as well as the critical theological issues coming out of their participation in the placement. Any other suitable placement may be considered, such as business, media, etc.

Similarly, every course shall be examined by essay and examinations unless otherwise stated.

It accommodates ordination training courses like: Worship, Doctrine Theology, Church life and ministries in the 21 century, Pastoral Theology, Biblical, Theology/Hermeneutics.



  1. Five credits including English and Christian Religious knowledge at a sitting and six credits in the same order at not more than two sittings, previous and higher degree may be added advantage for waiver on some details for admission.
  2. AGE LIMIT: Applicant must not be less than 30 years of age as at July of the enrolling year.
  3. Involvement in Church ministry and experience will be required.
  4. Applicant from the Anglican church shall be recommended by his Diocesan Bishop while non Anglican applicant shall be recommended by a recognized head of her/his denomination in addition to the general conditions listed above.
  5. DURATION: 4 Academic Sessions of 2 Semesters.
  6. PERIOD:  Mid July – August ending (Six Weeks annually).