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  • Archbishop Vining College of Theology, Oke-Emeso, Akure, Ondo State
  • Email: registry@archbishopvining.edu.ng

Diploma in Ministry

Diploma in Ministry

The Diploma in Ministry (D. Min) Program is designed to equip every willing individual with the theological knowledge and experience suitable for doing ministry. It’s a short program for those who do not have the requirements for the full-fledged degree – Bachelor of Theology (BTH). It is for both men and women. The program, and the Diploma in Ministry (D.Min) are for the duration of 2 years. It’s required for students to pass at least 60 units before it can be awarded.



  1. School cert. with at least 3 credits and passes.
  2. AGE LIMIT: Applicant must not be less than 30 years of age as at July of the enrolling year
  3. Involvement in Church ministry and experience will be required.
  4. Applicant from the Anglican church shall be recommended by his Diocesan Bishop while non Anglican applicant shall be recommended by a recognized head of her/his denomination in addition to the general conditions listed above
  5. DURATION: 2 Academic Sessions of 2 Semesters
  6. PERIOD:  Mid July – August ending (Six Weeks annually)